
5 Herbal Remedies for Snoring

 Many people who snore would love to stop snoring. If you don't want to use traditional medicine to tackle your snoring problem, there is an alternative - herbal remedies. These remedies deal with the contributing factors that cause someone to snore such as allergy, congestion and other respiratory conditions. Here are the following herbal remedies to help you sleep better: Immature bitter orange ( Citrus aurantium) Immature bitter orange contains synephrine, which relieves nasal congestion by inhibiting the production of the allergins which cause inflammation, which causes the blockage of the airways. Ginger Root Ginger has been proven effective for treating snoring by increasing the production of saliva and coating the throat. Eucalyptus oil Eucalyptus oil, which contains eucalyptol, is an oil that helps clear up congestion. To relieve congestion, mix five drops of eucalpytus oil and one drop each of peppermint oil and lavender oil. You may also add crumbled eucalyptus, col...

What Is Vitamin A Deficiency?

  Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a condition in which the body does not produce enough vitamin A. This leads to problems such as poor vision, dry skin, and night blindness. VAD is caused by a lack of dietary intake of vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in foods such as liver, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is 900 mcg/day. However, most children need 1000 mcg/day. The symptoms of VAD include dry eyes, dry skin, and poor vision. People who suffer from these conditions usually experience fatigue, weight loss, and hair loss. In severe cases, people can develop infections, diarrhea, and pneumonia.  Preventing Vitamin A Deficiency Vitamin A deficiency is a serious problem in developing countries. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 2 million children die every year due to vitamin A deficiency. This number has been steadily increasing over the years. Vitamin A is essential for...